Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Grey Nurse Shark mating season is here...come down to Manly Sea Life Sanctuary and see these amazing creatures!

Spring is upon us and love is in the air...and the water! 

Grey Nurse Sharks have an amazing mating ritual with the Male having to get a firm grip on the female. It looks a little aggressive, but the female has tough skin and can cope with the amorous advances of the male.

Once a good grip has been established the male rotates his Clasper into the female and the reproductive cycle begins!

This is a great time of year to visit Manly Sea Life Sanctuary and take a dive with Shark Dive Xtreme and see this behaviour. The males are currently chasing the females around, and you can be amongst them!

Want to scuba dive with these marine animals during the season of love!? NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!!! CLICK ON THIS LINK TO BOOK: 


Yuksel is at peace...or he has just seen two Grey Nurse Sharks while diving at Shark Dive Xtreme at Manly Sea Life Sanctuary..

It's that time of year that our Grey Nurse Sharks thoughts turn to love....the guys start chasing the gals and, well, you know the rest...it's mating season baby!

Want to scuba dive with these marine animals!? NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!!! CLICK ON THIS LINK TO BOOK: