Thursday, December 12, 2013

I want to be a Basking Shark. Watch me filter...

Sometimes our Grey Nurse Sharks think they are like their big brothers...! Raaahhh...give me the plankton!

Spontaneous dancing breaks out at Shark Dive Xtreme...

Yes, these Shark Dive Xtreme divers were so happy they were in the water with our amazing animals, they couldn't help but boogie. Or air guitar...not sure which.

Either way they had a rockin' time!

Wanna rock out as well? Check out the link....


It's a family affair at Shark Dive Xtreme...with an optical effect!

Here at Shark Dive Xtreme, we like to keep families, friends and loved-ones close!

Ok, so there may be a tunnel in between, but it's as near as you can get. The tunnel produces some interesting optical effects...people in the tunnel see the divers in the aquarium 25% smaller...which can be amusing! Divers see some other odd distortions...

Check out some pics below...if you have dived with us here at Shark Dive Xtreme recently, you may be here: